At the age of six already, it was clear to Johanna Röhrig that she wanted to become a violinist. “It takes a long time before you’re capable of creating a beautiful sound on the violin. The inner perception of the sound you want to achieve must be strong. This is the only way to overcome the technical difficulties at the beginning,” explains the violinist, born in Hamburg in 1993. “And even later, you can’t get over the teenage years without the loving pressure of the parents, who keep reminding you to practice. At this difficult age, many young people stop.”

Johanna Röhrig did not put her instrument away, but continued to practice continuously. And that was worth it. After studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London, she returned to Hamburg to get her finishing touches through a concert exam. Johanna Röhrig has been awarded several times in competitions.
At NDR Kultur à la carte EXTRA, she performs together with her duo partner Hubert Rutkowski.